Showing 11 Result(s)
tropéziennes colorées
Food recipes

Fruity & colourful “Tropéziennes”

Cela faisait longtemps que je voulais m’essayer à la célèbre tropézienne mais non seulement je ne trouvais pas la bonne recette, mais en plus je voulais en créer une version plus légère et décalée. C’est chose faite avec ces petites tropéziennes à la mie très aérienne et des crèmes colorées agrémentées de fruits. Durée totale : 3h30 (dont …

Summer Brandade Ravioli
Food recipes

Summer Brandade Ravioli

This is the first time I ever manage to make my own ravioli! The secret: you should not put too much stuffing and you should try not to put any air in them (otherwise they explode while boiling…). This recipe requires a bit of time and skill, but you can always buy your pasta dough …

super moist banana strawberry muffins
Food recipes

Super-moist Banana & Strawberry muffins

An easy and quick recipe for some both delicious and super moist muffins with strawberry and banana. Makes 12 regular sized muffins. Preparation time: 20 minutes. Ingredients 110 grams unsalted butter, melted 2 large eggs, lightly beaten 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 large ripe bananas, mashed 240 ml fresh strawberries cut into bite sized pieces …