For this recipe, I followed Chef Nini‘s instructions.
(For 2)
- 2 eggs
- 200g flour (ideally grade “0”)
- 1 lemon
- 1tbsp poppyseeds
1- Pour the flour in a large bowl and dig a hole in the center. Add the eggs and the poppyseeds. 2- Add the lemon zest. Mix well. 3- Using both hands, or, even easier, a bread machine, knead the dough until it gets soft and non sticky. 4- Keep in the fridge for at least two hours. 5- Separate your dough in two pieces. Keep half of it in plastic film. 6- Working with the other piece, flatten it into a rectangle shape. Starting with one of the shorter sides of the rectangle, feed it through the rollers twice (widest setting, #1). 7- Changez settings (#2) and knead the dough twice. 8- Repeat until you have reached dial #5. 9- Attach the fetticuni-cutting attachment to the pasta machine then feed the thinly rolled sheet of pasta into the cutting attachment. 10- Cut each fettucini in two pieces. 11- Let your pasta dry on a pasta dryer for at least 24 hours. 12- Cook 3 minutes in boiling water.