You will find below my 2013 Médoc marathon photos& results:
The Médoc marathon is regularly selected as one of the funniest marathons in the world. Why is that? Because it is the only marathon where you can refuel drinking… wine! And not just any wine. The race goes through some of the most prestigious estates in the Médoc: Château Lafite-Rotschild, Latour, Ducru-Beacaillou, Lynch-Bages, Gruaud-Larose, Cos d’Estournel and so on…
I ran this marathon for the first time last year because I have always wanted to run a marathon. And I said: “Only one marathon ever”. But this marathon is so great that I want to run them all now! In terms of training, I followed the same basic tips as last year. You can read my 10 easy tips to prepare for your first marathon here.
Knowing better the race and my body I ran this marathon without any pain and difficulty, except a jeroboam on my back! My jeroboam from Châteaude la Gardine that I take litterally everywhere… I finished 3821 out of 8089, which is not bad with a jeroboam on my back, isn’t it? 🙂
I cannot wait for the 30th edition of the Médoc marathon next year and I recommend it to anyone for its unique style.
Last but not least, I dedicate this marathon to someone who, from above, will identify himself.