I have always wanted to run a marathon but I thought I would not be able to finish it. This year I made the step and ran my first marathon. A friend of mine told me that the Médoc marathon was so much fun and unique, as everyone runs through the famous wine estates of the Médoc wearing funny outfits and tasting wines while running. I tried it this year. The theme was “the Médoc marathon through cvilisations”. I ran my first marathon dressed as an Indian, finishing 4489 out of 9296… Not bad for a first marathon, isn’t it? And 1031st amongst women :-))). I am very happy with this, as I did not know what to expect!
A major part of my training was nutrition, being very careful of what I hate one month ahead of the event, topping up with minerals, vitamins, fluids and carbs. If you want to learn more on how to prepare your first marathon, then read my post about 10 tips to prepare your first marathon. This worked out very well as I did not feel any pain or any cramp during the race and I felt fresh enough the day after to catch a plane at 7 am in the morning to fly to the US. So see you next year for the next Médoc marathon (7 Sept. 2013) where the theme will be Science-Fiction! This will be a lot of fun, for sure!