Oenotourisme : les clés du succès (infographie) / Wine Tourism: Keys to Success (infographics)

Wine Tourism: Keys to Success (infographics inside)

Wine Tourism is becoming more and more popular all over the World. However in France, the most visited country in the World with the most prestigious vineyards, the potential is by far under-exploited. Please find below a few facts & figures about wine tourism in France and some advice.

Wine Tourism: Keys to Success (infographics)

Facts & Figures

Wine Tourism in France represents…

  • 7.5 millions visitors/year
  • 10 000 tasting cellars opened to the public
  • 39% strangers, the top four being made of Belgian, English, Dutch and German people.
  • An average spend on wine and associated products of 203 €/person.


Different practices

New World

Countries that have started making wine in great quantities less than 30 years ago (California, South Africa, Argentina, Australia, New Zealand, etc.).

An offer on average more touristic and modern:

  • Paying tastings
  • Dedicated staff
  • Shop with lots of goodies
  • On-site catering & accomodation
  • Animations: concerts, exhibitions, etc.
  • Extended opening and hours (week-ends, etc.)

Old World

Historical producing countries (Mostly France, Italy and Spain).

  • Free tastings
  • Made by the winemaker
  • Only product sold: wine
  • Opening and hours depending on the work schedule

Which compromise between these two approaches to deliver a tremendous experience to your visitors?

“People drink stories, not wine”

Some advice

  • No free tastings
    Offer options ranging from 5 to 20 € (“sweet spot”), paid back if the visitor buys some wine.
    > Allows you to target higher-end clients (North-American, Asian) and gives your wines a better image.
  • Seated Tastings
    Seated tastings generate 20% more purchase.
  • Have a goal
    A small winery should target 500 to 5000 visitors/year, more than 200 000 for the largest wineries and négociants.
  • Crate an online Booking Calendar
    Nowadays 34% of all appointments are still made by email and 39% by telephone, which is not really adapted if you wish to target foreign visitors.
  • Offer different formulas depending on your time and budget
    Informal tasting, tour of the winery and vineyard, meeting with the winemaker, food and wine pairings, etc.
  • Use Social Media & Internet
    35% of wine consumers use Social Media against 20% of all winemakers.
    Most used: Facebook (91%),  Twitter (52%), Instagram (40%).
  • Take advantage of local tourist attractions & facilities
    Renowned wine region (ex : Châteauneuf du Pape), famous museum, hotels & restaurants, music festival,  etc.

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