Révisions WSET Diploma

Notes de révision WSET Diploma🍇🍷🎓📘📝

J’ai passé en 2019 le WSET Diploma. J’ai décidé de vous faire partager mes notes de révision. Faites en bon usage !

Parcontre attention, depuis le programme a changé. La plupart des contenus sont encore d’actualité mais certains pays ne sont plus au programme, d’autres ont été rajoutés et les modalités de l’examen ont aussi changé. Exemple : la Chine, tout nouvel arrivant au programme ! Xie Xie 😉

Note du 5 novembre 2021: Suite à de très nombreuses demandes, je les ai mises en format éditable 🙂

Unité 1 – Le marché des vins et spiritueux

Unité 2 – La production du vin

Unités 4, 5 et 6 – Spiritueux, effervescents et vins fortifiés

Unité 3 – Vins du monde


19 commentaires

    1. Thank you Gipsy. Just sad that the program is now changing… However the great classics such as Burgundy, Bordeaux, etc. remain the same. Anyway good luck with your revisions. I just completed my diploma this month, what a relief after 2 years of demanding revisions!

  1. Dear Marion, many thanks for such great and helpful study and revision materials! Due to the fact that some data are additional or need some change since last summer new WSET Diploma study materials, is it possible to have at least the Unit 3 materials in an editable format (word for example)? Many thanks!

  2. Chère Marion,
    Un grand merci d’avoir partagé tes excellentes notes de révision. Un travail titatesque ! bravo,
    Bien à toi,

  3. excellet information thanks alot , if you have some ideas about Quality assessment ( Tasting) I will appreciate I am currently studing Level 4 D3 thanks again

    1. Thank you Isaac. Regarding quality assessment, I think the most important is to « translate » what you found through tasting (e.g. tertiary aromas) into winemaking, ageing, etc. And viticulture if you can (though more difficult). All the best of luck with D3;-))

  4. Hello Marion, thank you so much for sharing all this valuable information. Can you also share with us what course materials are being used? Like for instance the book Vines & Vinification by Sally Easton MW ? I like to buy those books before I register for the course to better prepare and determine whether I will be capable.

    1. Hello Vincent. Thank you very much for your kind message. I used the following books:
      The World Atlas of Wine by Hugh Johnson and Jancis Robinson MW
      The Oxford Companion to Wine by Jancis Robinson MW
      Viticulture: An Introduction to Commercial Grape Growing for Wine Production by Stephen Skelton MW
      Understanding Wine Technology by David Bird MW
      World Encyclopedia of Champagne and Sparkling Wine – Tom Stevenson
      The Concise Guide to Wine and Blind Tasting – Neel Burton
      Wine Folly: The Essential Guide to Wine – Madeline Puckette
      I hope this helps!

  5. Hello Marion, thank you for sharing all your hard work!
    I do not find anything on D1, previous Unit 2, Wine production?

    Thank you and best wishes!


  6. Hello Marion, thank you for your kindness and generosity by sharing these resources and all your work. It is really amazing, Best wishes and thanks again ! Natalia

  7. This is such a throrough and comprehensive set of information. Thank you so much for sharing this. It’s months and months work of endless hard work. All the best! Christian.

  8. Hello Marion, this is Betty from Hong Kong. Thank you for the kindly sharing. It is very helpful. Just wondering if u mind to send me the unit 3 notes in word or pdf format please ?
    Because I have to use VPN to browse it. Thank you.

    1. Thank you so much Betty for your lovely message. On my blog if you click on the text you should have access to the download link to the documents in word format. All the best of luck with your revisions and thank you again for your lovely message

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